11 July 2009

Obamanation Day 168

The news today ...

Michael Jackson is dead, and has been for several days, but the media is eating it up. So is the Administration ... it gives them yet another distraction from their agenda. The entire planet waits breathless, watching the circus of his memorial services. It is sad. Not sad as in "Oh, my god, he's gone! How will we go on without him," but sad in a tragic sort of way.

Jackson was a sad, sick little man. His life was a Grimm's tale, sweetness and light at the start, dark and dismal at the end. Yes, he had a major influence on the music industry (years ago), but he destroyed all of that with his freakish lifestyle. Yes, he probably did have a rough childhood. Yes, he was a product of his upbringing. Yes to all of those sad things that made him what he was.


He was also an adult, capable of facing his demons and overcoming them. Lots of people have beaten their demons.

I think that Jackson's positive influences were used up long ago. He was a great entertainer, but his former 'greatness' was heavily overshadowed by his recent strangeness and perversity.

Is this really what we should be looking at, today?

Shouldn't we be looking at Honduras? Venezuela? Iran and Iraq? North Korea? Russia, even? Are we letting the immediate satisfaction of other people's problems blind us to our own? We need to get our priorities straight before the energy tax legislation comes back up, or the health care bill gets pushed through without a fight.

The President will be continuing with his destructive agenda regardless of which pop-tart is in treatment, or why Brangelina is having marital issues.

You can bet that Mr Obama is not giving much attention to the trivial matters of Hollywood, other than to use it to his advantage.

Neither should we.

Let Michael Jackson rest, people. Let his family rest and grieve. Get your eyes on the ball or we will lose everything but the freedom to watch the Rich-and-Famous on T.V.