22 March 2009

What are we facing?

Do we, as Americans, know what we are facing?

Are any of us aware of what lies ahead for the Land of the Free?

So many believe that brighter days are ahead, that the Lord President, Messiah and Prophet, has a Plan (of which we cannot know, being only humans) that will bring Sunshine and Showers of Gold to all the people of America.

What President Obama plans is the destruction of the American Way. The blurring, melting, blending of the middle and lower classes into one huge mass of people on the Dole. People unable to escape depths of poverty, relying on a shrinking American economy to pay the bills, while completely eroding all avenues of personal ambition or betterment.

Our cities will be sunk in poverty, while the Rich Elite live in the comfort of their estates, protected by political rank or inherited position.
Allow the Administration to continue unobstructed, and the future America faces is bleak.
Rich, or working poor.

There will be no other class.

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