13 February 2009

What will we do ...

What will we do, now that the world is Changing.


Yes, Changing (note the capital "C").

President Obama is making good on his promise. Congress is making it happen, and We, the people (note the lower case "p"), are powerless to stop it.

This is the Change, and all we are left with is the Hope.

What is the Hope?

You'll know. You may be experiencing it already. It's that last glimmer you feel before the bottom drops out, and the world finally, fundamentally ... Changes.

Yet, there may be something we can do ... nope, I was wrong ... the people just don't matter anymore.

I haven't met one person, not one person, that feels right about this situation. Even the Democrats I know ( a couple, anyway) aren't real comfortable right now. They're ... not as sure of themselves when they say "You'll see," and laugh a little.

They know they're still lower case d's. They're just the worker bees in the american hive.

Everyone else I know is as apprehensive as I am, or more, because they are on a list somewhere, one with the start-dates of their employment.

I'm on that list, too.

Ouch. Got a little serious there for a second. I can't help it, I'm a little worried.

The "Stimulus" bill is just the tip of the iceberg. It was a test.

A live-fire exercise, if you will.

It was a test to determine if they truly, truly held the keys to the vault. The secondary objective was to gauge the personal power that the President was able to wield in times of crisis. It'll settle down now, for a little while, as america sits and waits for this plan to work.

It gives them the time they need to formulate the real plan. The hostile corporate takeover of the United States of America. And we've been left out-of-the-loop.

As far as I can tell, a large percentage of the american population is against this bill. I know that the voting population of the town where I live is generally, perhaps even overwhelmingly, against it.

Not that it matters, because we didn't get a say.

They decided.

They didn't ask, they didn't give us a chance to look at it, they didn't even let the rest of the congressional population get a decent look at it.

As I sit here, there are about 45 minutes until the Senator from Ohio, Sherrod Brown arrives to cast his vote.


Well, how about that. Looks like it's a Law. Welcome to america.

Hope I have a job tomorrow.

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